Welcome to My World – Food to Prevent Dementia

Hello World! I hope you are all doing well today! I am trying to revamp the appearance of my blog, but since I am “tech” challenged, I always have issues with this. A simple thing like changing the color of the titles above, I just cannot find where to do this.  Or even if I can do this. What most would do quickly, always takes me a long time…

Cursing like a sailor can be good for you! (I'm so relieved :) )

Cursing like a sailor? That’s what I feel like doing when the “tech” stuff raises it’s ugly little head! They say cursing is good for you 🙂

We went from drought to daily rain. It is either feast or famine here these days. At least, my water bill will go down, but if my grass doesn’t dry out some, it will be very difficult to mow… I use a rechargeable battery mower, and they are “hard” to use on wet grass. it took me 3 batteries to do one section of yard, that should’ve taken one battery, so, I won’t be finishing until the rain stops. Who knows when that will be. It also continues to grow, longer and longer. I edged so it is relatively neat in appearance. Oh well, these are the joys of living in the Burbs…

The time has also come for me to tweak my blog and bring all up to date. I’ve been putting it off, but now that another project just ended, I have the time. I may not have any extra money, but I have the time…

On to today’s topic. Enjoy the read and let me know your thoughts on the topic.
You can grow orchids in lava rock. They will do well.

You can grow orchids in lava rock. They will do well. This has nothing to do with this post, but it is pretty and informative. Keeping busy will keep your mind and body healthier…

The Surprising Food that Could Cut Your Dementia Risk by 50%

What could be more terrifying than feeling like your mind is betraying you? Yet, that is how many sufferers of dementia begin to feel as they lose their memory, ability to reason, word recall, and ability to plan or organize. Yet, it may surprise most people to learn that even food choices can play a role in whether or not we will suffer from dementia.

You should do what is best for you!

You should do what is best for you! Let the creative juices flow. Be happy & Healthy! And be Nice to yourself as it works better than “mean”

A new study

published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that simply eating more mushrooms could help to protect your brain from cognitive impairment. The researchers found that those people who had the highest intake of edible mushrooms also had the lowest risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

The researchers at the National University of Singapore

explored the possibility that eating more mushrooms could protect cognitive abilities later in life. They included 663 people aged 60 and studied them over 6 years. They focused on the most common mushrooms eaten in Singaporean cuisine, which include: golden, oyster, shiitake, white button, dried or canned button mushrooms. They counted ¾ of a cup of cooked mushrooms as a single portion.

Mushrooms are an Immune Booster.They contain B vitamins to protect you against pollutants.

Mushrooms are an Immune Booster.

They contain B vitamins to protect you against pollutants. And, also possibly aid in fighting dementia, or helping to prevent dementia…

They also measured the participants’ cognitive abilities throughout the study, using a variety of techniques, including: the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (to assess IQ), interviews and a series of physical and psychological tests. Weight and height were measured, as well as blood pressure, hand grip and walking speed. The study participants were also assessed for cognition, depression and anxiety, and rated on a dementia symptom scale.

Healthy Mushrooms

Did you know how healthy mushrooms can be for you?

Astonishingly, the researchers found

that eating two or more servings of mushrooms per week was sufficient to reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment by 50 percent. They believe that a compound known as ergothioneine (ET), a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound found in mushrooms, may be responsible for the impressive results. Mushrooms are among the best sources of this powerful brain protective compound.

You may want to consider grilling a vege kebob. did you know that mushrooms are filling?

You may want to consider grilling a vege kebob. did you know that mushrooms are filling? And they are also very healthy…

But, this single compound (ET) may not be the only factor as mushrooms contain a diversity of healing compounds known as hericenones, erinacines, scabronines and dictyophorines, all of which could contribute to the growth of brain cells.

While it is not clear which of the compounds,

or whether all of the compounds, are to thank for mushrooms’ memory protective properties, it is easy to start benefiting from them by simply eating more mushrooms in your diet.

Here are some easy ways to incorporate more into your daily diet:

-Add a handful of button mushrooms to your favorite soup.

-Stuff mushrooms with other delicious foods and herbs.

-Top a salad with some raw mushrooms.

-Replace meat like beef with grilled portobello mushrooms for a delicious plant-based burger.

-Sauté onions and mushrooms for a delicious side-dish or to serve over a soup or salad.

-Add mushrooms to kebabs for grilling.

-I make a delicious gravy from onions, mushrooms and rosemary simply by cooking them together, blending, straining and then adding a tablespoon or two of gluten-free flour in a bit of water and heating to thicken.

-Cook mushrooms and onions to make a delicious base for other soup ingredients.

-Add mushrooms to stews.

-Add a handful of mushrooms to your favorite curry dishes.

-There are so many ways to enjoy mushrooms!
Do you like avocados?

Do you like avocados? I love them and you can easily add some mushrooms to the mix for an even healthier snack or side dish.




I hope you all have a healthy enjoyable day!

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