Welcome to My World – Common Foods that May Cause Cancer

Hello World!  It never hurts to eat healthy but I know that’s not going to happen all the time. I try to eat right and believe I succeed more often than not, but there are foods I like that I’d be better off without. How about you? Do you eat right?  This is a good article about foods we eat daily that may increase our risk of getting cancer…

Here is super food for you - asparagus

Here is super food for you – asparagus

Everyday Foods Linked to Increased Cancer Risk

Most of us know that bacon, red meat, French fries and processed foods are

Do you eat hot dogs? They contain unhealthy additives. Eating a hot dog is what I call "mystery" meat. Who knows what's really in it???

Do you eat hot dogs? They contain unhealthy additives. Eating a hot dog is what I call “mystery” meat. Who knows what’s really in it???

not good for us and may even be linked to cancer, but few of us know that there are other foods that significantly increase our cancer risk. According to a new study published in PLOS Medicine, eating foods with low nutritional value actually increases our risk of developing cancer. In other words, those foods we think are harmless when we eat them occasionally, or at worst are not helping our health, are actually causing more harm than originally believed.


Most people know that the vast majority of processed, packaged and

Rice with Ginger - brown rice is healthier for you.

Rice with Ginger – brown rice is healthier for you.

prepared foods have little to no nutritional value. Foods that are heavily cooked also tend to lose their nutritional value, with fried and barbecued foods being particularly poor nutritionally. Then, of course, there are the “white” foods like white rice, white flour and products made with these foods. And, of course, artificially-colored foods tend to be low in nutrition. They tend to be low in nutrition, and not very good for you.

While it is not always fool-proof, one of the best ways to determine nutritional value of foods is to observe their naturally rich and deep colors. For example: fruits

To me, healthy food is much more appealing to the eye than junk food, and some will even help lower your BP,along with improving your memory & keeping your brain healthy

To me, healthy food is much more appealing to the eye than junk food, and some will even help lower your BP,along with improving your memory & keeping your brain healthy

and vegetables that are deep blue or black, red, orange or green tend to be high in nutrition. That’s because the same phytonutrients that give these foods their color also add nutrition and flavor. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule: garlic and onions, for example, are typically light-colored but offer excellent nutritional value.

The same is true of deep-colored beans and grains. For example, black beans and Forbidden (black) rice tend to be full of nutrients.

Keep in mind that boiling foods tends to lower their nutritional value,

particularly of the water-soluble nutrients, like B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, etc. Steaming or lightly sauteing foods tends to keep their nutritional value intact.

Most raw fruits and vegetables also tend to be higher in nutrition than their

I can't say this enough, fresh fruit so much prettier & tastier than junk! And it's also much healthier for you... Also grapefruit is good for prevention of osteoporosis; blue berries help keep your brain young! You need to remember when to eat your fruit.

I can’t say this enough, fresh fruit & veggies are so much prettier & tastier than junk! And it’s also much healthier for you… Also grapefruit is good for prevention of osteoporosis; blue berries help keep your brain young! You need to remember when to eat your fruit.

cooked counterparts, since heat tends to deplete nutrients. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and nutrition is no different. Lycopene in tomatoes tends to be better absorbed when cooked, for example.

Of course, even the healthiest of eaters sometimes eats foods that aren’t nutritionally great, but it’s what you do most of the time that matters. Obviously, you won’t want to make eating foods with a poor nutrient content a regular occurrence.


It’s easier than most people think to switch out low nutrition foods in favor of superior options. Here are some simple swaps:

  • Choose brown rice pasta over white flour pasta
  • Choose vegetable chips over potato chips
  • Choose tomato sauce over cream sauce
  • Choose olive oil and balsamic vinegar over store-bought dressings
  • Choose a leafy green salad over an iceberg lettuce salad
  • Choose fruit instead of pastries
  • Choose berry smoothies instead of ice cream
  • Choose nut milks instead of dairy milk
  • Choose avocado instead of mayonnaise or butter for your sandwiches
  • Choose sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes

This is a good swap list when you are shopping. It doesn’t hurt you to be healthy. It can only help you feel good.  Let me know what you do to eat healthy. You can leave me a message below. I would love to hear from you…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!

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