Welcome to My World – Is Cannabis Addictive?

Hello World!  How is your world treating you today? Mine is fine here! Today I’m sharing some interesting info I found on whether or not cannabis is addictive… I guess I’m on a bit of a soap box here, but I believe in natural health solutions.  I hope you enjoy the read.

Interesting info can be found in so many places.

You can find Interesting info can be found in so many places.

Is Cannabis Actually Addictive?

When it comes to drugs like nicotine, caffeine or even heavier substances

The Hemp Derivative won't get you High!

Cannabis can help many of us in so many ways.

such as cocaine or heroin, we know that they are addictive.  But, the answer to whether or not cannabis is addictive to us is not so simple.

This big question is representative of a huge grey area of misunderstanding many of us have. The ambiguity stems from a lack of understanding of basic concepts around addiction, as well as an exaggerated history of “reefer madness.”

We must start by understanding the differences between addiction and use disorders.

Defining Addiction

Addiction is a disease that affects everything in your life. When you’re

Miracles of Nature...

There are so many Miracles of Nature that can help you…

addicted, chemical dependencies are formed. Thoughts change, and your everyday actions are consumed by the deathly grips of the hands of addiction.  When you are addicted, withdrawals are another main component of your behavior. There are not only mental symptoms, but you have painful physical ones as well.

“The language of addiction, dependence, and disorders is one thing when you talk to scientists and it’s another when you talk to the public. Addiction results from a combination of biological and psychological factors that contribute to your conditioned behavioral patterns that are very difficult to stop.”

Many will argue that cannabis addiction can form, based on the belief that

Health & Wellness Industry offers many natural alternatives for health...

Health & Wellness Industry offers many natural alternatives for health…

your addiction takes place psychologically. Essentially, those of you who believe this think that since cannabis produces pleasurable responses in your brain, it’s automatically addicting.

While there is some truth to this, marijuana users aren’t addicts. And the small number of you who overuse cannabis, are still rarely, if ever, addicted.

Cannabis Use Disorder

Those of you who have an unhealthy relationship with cannabis do not have an addiction—you have cannabis use disorder.  While it may seem like this is splitting hairs, substance use disorders and addictions are very different.

When it comes to cannabis, you don’t have any major physical withdrawal symptoms, like those of someone getting off heroin or meth would experience. But cannabis can cause some problems for people who overuse the substance. (This would apply to your overuse of many things, including food! Those of you with chronic weight issues, know what I’m saying…)

Cannabis, like many other substances, can keep you from thriving in life.

Holistic Health

Holistic Health

A resource by Medscape helps define a cannabis-related disorder as “a problematic pattern of cannabis use leading to your clinically significant impairment or distress.”

So, rather than simply asking “is cannabis addictive?” your question should shift slightly. We should be asking “what does cannabis use disorder look like?”

What Is Undeniably True About Cannabis

Stigmas are responsible for your widespread belief that cannabis is automatically harmful and addicting. It’s also still viewed as a gateway drug, despite there being government provided evidence that proves this isn’t so.

Medical cannabis fights a surprising number of diseases and disorders, including epilepsy, eating disorders, mesothelioma and even many types of cancers.  How can this be bad for those of you with these ailments?

Smoking, on the other hand, is undeniably not good for you!  When something is burned and smoked, whether that’s a cigarette or a joint,

CBD's wll not get you high, but have some great anti-inflammatory results...

CBD’s wll not get you high, but have some great anti-inflammatory results…

carcinogens are produced. The carcinogens that smoking produces can cause a lot of problems for your body. Smoking is also one of your most common cause of sore throats. Gum disease is also a commonly overlooked side effect of smoking, as well as other oral health issues and mouth and esophagus cancer.

However, smoking isn’t the only way for you to ingest cannabis; cannabis

oil and other medical concentrates (including CBD which doesn’t induce a head high) are common forms of your treatment for women’s health issues, anxiety, pain and insomnia.

I think this is very interesting information;  & I also believe that there is still so much research to be done about cannabis;  but from all I’ve read so far,  it appears to me that using cannabis to help your pain, anxiety, etc. is so much better than taking prescription drugs which have way more side effects & is so much less healthy for you.

I also believe that more research isn’t done because the big

Lower Back Pain?

Lower Back Pain? Treat it naturally… Cannabis can help you with this type of pain & inflammation… It is a much better, more natural, way for you to go than prescription drugs & all their awful side effects!

pharmaceutical companies don’t want you & I to know the benefits of something they may not make big money from!   I don’t know how many of you agree with me about this, but we need to do more about this quicker than we are doing now.  We need to think about all the people who can be helped by this substance  (sooner rather than later)…



Have a great day!

Empowered Lady with an Attitude!

Empowered Lady with an Attitude!








