Welcome to My World – Do Eggs Harm Your Heart?
Hello World! Hope you are doing well today. I am going to talk about eggs in this post. Do you eat eggs? And, have you ever wondered if they harm your heart? I believe in moderation when eating something you are unsure of, but I like eggs so I eat them and I limit eggs to a minimum per week. I used to limit it to four eggs per week, but lately, I just don’t seem to want to eat them much. Seems there isn’t much we can eat anymore without it doing some harm. Not sure there is an answer for us…
Do Eggs Really Damage Your Heart Health?
Let’s face it: the controversy around eggs and whether they damage the health of your cardiovascular system has been around for years. On one side people claim that their relatively high amount of cholesterol pushes our own cholesterol levels off the charts; and that cholesterol can seriously harm your health. On the other side, people say that the cholesterol we eat doesn’t affect our cholesterol levels or that we shouldn’t concern ourselves with cholesterol because it is harmless. What’s a person to believe?
Well, I don’t think it’s harmless, but there is a middle road here as well. I am not an alarmist as quitting eating everything they say is bad for us, wouldn’t leave us many options, would it?
Sorting out the answer to that question
could have widespread public health implications when you consider that the average American eats 280 eggs per year, which works out to nearly 5-1/2 eggs per week. To say that is a lot of eggs would definitely be an understatement.
New research may be just what we need to determine which side of the argument is correct.
According to a new large-scale study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which reviewed the eating habits and heart health implications of 29,615 adults, researchers found eating eggs definitely has an impact on your heart health and your risk of death from heart disease.
According to the scientists,
eating 3 or more eggs weekly significantly increases the risk of heart disease and early death. Eating 2 eggs daily was enough to increase the risk of heart disease by a whopping 27% and also increased your risk of death from any cause. Considering that forms the average breakfast for many people across North America and around the world, that’s a disturbing finding with massive potential public health consequences.
Well, these days, I eat less than 2 eggs per week so I guess I am now out of the danger zone, so what is the alternative?